
Update/Tips to know for the SEIU 1199 NW Picket and Rally Tuesday, May 28

WSNA represented nurses at Kadlec are encouraged to show support for SEIU 1199 NW bargaining unit in their efforts to secure a fair contract.

It is permissible to participate in the RALLY ONLY across the street from Kadlec, on the grounds of the Richland Public Library from 5 -6 p.m.

Our contract language does not allow for WSNA represented nurses to participate in pickets or strikes.


19.1 Prohibition. The Employer and the Association realizing that a hospital is different in its operation from industries because of type of service rendered to the community, and for humanitarian reasons agree that there shall be no lock-outs on the part of the Employer nor suspension of work on the part of the employees, it being one of the purposes of this Agreement to guarantee that there shall be no strikes, picketing, lock-outs, sympathetic strikes, sympathetic picketing, work stoppages, or work slowdowns, and that all disputes will be settled as herein provided.

If you have any questions, contact Laurie Robinson, RN at lrobinson@wsna.org or on mobile: 206-620-4136.