Today is the day!
Posted Sep 17, 2019
Official launch of strike preparations and strike assessment kickoff!

Time: 5:30 - 7 p.m. and 7:30 - 9 p.m.
Location: Kadlec Columbia Rooms I, II, III
Date: Sept. 17, 2019
Come hear the key issues at stake during negotiations, have your strike questions answered and get prepared for what’s next.
Attending in addition to our negotiations team will be:
Dave Campbell, Special Counsel
Anne Tan Piazza, MBA, WSNA Senior Director of Strategic Affairs
Gerard Friesz, AFT/WSNA Providence Campaign Organizing Director
We will see you there!
Questions? Call WSNA Nurse Rep Jayson Dick. MBA, BSN, RN, at 206-858-2139.