Sign up, show up
Posted Apr 18, 2019

Sign up, show up for a fair contract!
Informational Picket May 9, 2 to 5 p.m.
In front of Kadlec
Are you willing to accept…
Cuts to your PTO? Short staffing? Inadequate security against violence?
If your answer is NO, get out and picket!
Your bargaining team is fighting hard, but we can’t win without all of you behind us. Show administration you mean business by signing up and showing up.
Here’s what you can do to pressure administration by making this informational picket a success:
- Talk to your co-workers about how important it is to come to the picket and how important it is to RSVP by signing up on the picket sheet!
- Help sign up nurses to picket—we need hundreds on the line!
If you do not have a picket-sign-up sheet, ask your coworkers or print out your own sheet - Get your picket-sign-up sheet filled in, take a pic of it and return it to our nurse organizers ASAP: Judy Marken 206-454-9982 or Tara Barnes 206-713-2241
- Follow, like and share “Kadlec RNs Care for Us” on Facebook.
Let others know you are going to the picket by registering for the event.
One strong voice against Providence’s attempts to put profits before patient safety:
While we’re picketing in Richland, Sacred Heart nurses will be picketing in Spokane. Together, we can make Providence listen – but only if YOU show up and do your part.
Do not forget to invite your family and friends.
If you have community connections with schools, churches, labor unions or other organizations, please make a point of inviting them, too! The picket will show our community how serious and dedicated we are about protecting our patients and our profession.
In Solidarity,
Your Negotiation Team: Jacob Garcia (CDU), Martha Galvez (Birth Center), Vanessa Douglas (ICU), Toni Ledridge (PAS), Kathy Peot (Resource), Marianne Sturtevant (OR), Meri Bukovinsky (CDU), Joyce McMurphy (NICU), (Anthony) Tony Jones (Cath Lab) and Joy Barclay (DI)
Questions? Call WSNA Nurse Rep Jayson Dick MBA, BSN, RN at (206)-858-2139.