#EndNurseAbuse - together, we are making a difference
Posted Sep 25, 2018

Concerns and questions about your safety and safe staffing?
WSNA Senior Director of Labor Christine Watts, MN, RN and WSNA Occupational and Environmental Health Specialist Karen Bowman, MN, RN, COHN-S will be holding cafeteria time to hear your questions and concerns.
- Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7 – 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m. – 3 p.m. in the Cafeteria
Be in the know. Attend a post negotiations meeting. Get the latest negotiation update and add your voice to the conversation:
- Thursday, Sept. 27, from 5-8 p.m. in Columbia rooms 2 & 3 on the 3rd floor of the Mountain Pavilion.

Wear your buttons and show your union solidarity. Take pictures in your units wearing the buttons and holding signs of support for our team and each other (examples: United for Safety, RNs deserve a fair contract, Protect our Nurses). Email those pictures to WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org or text to 206-491-9424.

More media coverage of the assault on Ashley Leilani Schade and three nurses in the Emergency Department at Kadlec. Read the Tri-City Herald article
Additional assault charges expected from the Benton County Prosecutor’s Office expected this week related to the attack in the ER earlier this month. Stay tuned for more information.
Hold the date for the Nurses Speak event with legislators and candidates. This event is a unique opportunity for them to hear about the challenges you face on the job every day: October 17, 5-6:30 p.m. at the Red Lion Hotel in Kennewick.
Add your voice to our Workplace Violence & Safe Staffing Survey. Just 1 out of every 4 respondents so far say they have enough staff the to handle the workload on their unit. What about your unit?