
Fireside Chat with WSNA

Location:   Fireside on the first floor

Our WSNA Local Unit Officers, Labor Rep, and Nurse Rep will be at the fireside looking forward to seeing and chatting with you on Feb. 13 from 1800-2000.

You can drop off Local Unit Officer nomination forms and/or bring any questions about the officer positions and/or the elections.

Look for our WSNA blue!

WSNA Island Health Vote and Process 

  • A candidate must be a local unit member in good standing before running for office.
  • Candidates may be nominated for the ballot by recommendations of the nominating committee. by nomination at a regular meeting, by self or another member.
  • All nominations will be with the agreement of the nominee.
  • Write-in candidates will be permitted.
  • Members will be notified of the election of officers at least fifteen days (15) before an election.
  • The election will be by secret ballot.
  • A majority of members voting shall constitute an election of officers.
  • All candidates must have equal campaign privileges.
  • Officers shall serve a term of no more than 3 years.
  • Officers may succeed themselves.
  • The term of office shall begin upon verification of the election.
  • The local unit chair shall be notified within 5 business days.

To review the Local Unit Rules, click on the documents tab on our WSNA Island Health web page.

Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Barbara Friesen at bfriesen@wsna.org 206-575-7979 ext. 3056.