
Happy Nurses Month


Your local unit officers have decided to do a doughnut and coffee drop-in on Thursday, May 23. We will be outside the rear entrance under the big WSNA pop-up tent. Please come speak with your officers and WSNA nurse representative Stephenie Troftgruben.

Bargaining Survey

Our contract expires on October 31, 2024. We need to hear from you about the priorities we are moving towards. Please take the time to use this link to fill out the survey. If you want to participate on the bargaining team, please reach out to your nurse representative Stephenie Troftgruben (stroftgruben@wsna.org) or your organizer Zach Seikel (ZSeikel@wsna.org).


You all have been doing a great job filing ADOs, these are for any instance of short staffing, concern for either your safety or patient safety, missed meal or rest breaks, missing equipment, and even assault. Please continue to fill these out, if you have push back from your manager, please let your local unit officers or nurse representative know.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of your local unit officers or nurse representative Stephenie Troftgruben (stroftgruben@wsna.org).

Jason Kindle, RN Co-Chair
Ryan Housden, RN Co-Chair
Kala Winter, RN Secretary
Jennifer Reynolds, Treasurer
Michelle Phillips, Grievance Officer
Jayme Garrison, Grievance Officer
Kim Scott, Grievance Officer