
WSNA podcast: The Local 98801 - Listen to the first 3 episodes now

We now have three podcast episodes out for CWH nurses to listen to. We have already covered topics like: Nurse Staffing Committee, Assignment Despite Objection, Conference Committee Updates, Bylaws and Article 18 of the Contract. We will continue to have episodes come out weekly.

Please email any questions, ideas, or suggestions to: thelocal.98801@gmail.com.

Podcast Link: https://wsna.to/Local98801

Note: You will have to create a spreaker account to listen. The account is free. You can listen on all your devices.

Questions? Contact WSNA Organizer Zach Seikel at zseikel@wsna.org. Or get in touch with the host Sara Bergenholtz at: thelocal.98801@gmail.com.