We have new officers
Posted Jan 10, 2022
The ballots were counted and the new slate of officers are:
Chair: Sara Bergenholtz
Co-Chair: Amalia Zapata
Secretary: Karla Bourgeois
Treasurer: Stefanie Gates
Grievance: Amy Yarbrough and Paul Stamilio
Membership: Blaine Wuertz and Paul Molenaar
Congratulations to all the new officers and thank you for your service.
Special thanks to Lorna Sebastian who has been an officer for almost 20 years and is hoping to retire. She will have her last negotiations at CWH this year. Thank you Lorna for all your hard work and dedication. She has also served on Nurse Practice and Nurse Staffing Committee and has been dedicated to advocating for her co-workers. Lorna rarely missed a meeting and has always been someone we could count on. Thank you again for your service.
Questions? Contact WSNA Nurse Representative Carmen Garrison at cgarrison@wsna.org.