
Staffing Updates

Dear CWH Nurses,

This is a trying time for healthcare. As you know your WSNA officers and your nurse staffing committee representatives advocate for you and the patients you serve. With great challenges, emotions can run high. We stand behind each one of our nurse staffing committee members and their resolve to fight for staffing levels which deliver the care Wenatchee has come to expect. You are passionate in your advocacy, you are vocal, and you have clearly signaled your opposition to the working conditions you are facing.

We appreciate your support and your engagement; however, we have heard of a disturbing trend where some of our nurse staffing committee members have received verbal or written comments that are caustic and lacked the empathy we know CHW nurses possess.

Representing units in the face of a great staffing crisis is a difficult task and the nurse staffing committee members are working to find solutions and stand up for your rights. We urge you, if you have a concern regarding representation, to speak directly with a WSNA officer or speak with your WSNA nurse representative.

We need your support in Olympia as we are embarking on another fight for staffing legislation. Please take a moment to sign in support on SB5236 here.

Take a moment to share your staffing stories here.

Send an email to your legislators urging them to pass staffing legislation.

In solidarity, your local unit officers Sara Bergenholtz, Paul Stamilio, Karla Bourgeois, Stefanie Gates, Brittney Lamb, Jasmine Hutchinson, Paul Molenaar, Blaine Wuertz

Questions? Contact your WSNA nurse representative Shawn Mork (Reed), RN, SANE at sreed@wsna.org.