
Negotiation update Day 16

On Friday, May 17, 2024, we had our 16th session at the bargaining table! Once again we were in federal mediation with our original mediator. Your bargaining team is focused on working hard toward a contract that we can recommend a  yes vote on, but we aren’t there yet. We saw progress at the bargaining table this week and we appreciate management finally coming to the table with movement.

Tuesday is our last scheduled date and we plan on staying late! That means that our “Sip and Chat” will be CANCELLED on Tuesday.

On a less than positive note, PeaceHealth Southwest CEO Tracy Fernandez and PeaceHealth system CEO Liz Dunne declined our request for a conversation with nurses without attorneys. We have asked them to reconsider that decision. Your solidarity and feedback to management has made a difference! They hear you, keep the feedback to management coming by submitting comments at https://peacehealthnegotiations.com/southwest-nurses.

There will be no observers during federal mediation on Tuesday!

Wear your WSNA gear!

 Blue Fridays are HERE! Your bargaining team is asking that all WSNA members wear their blue WSNA shirts, WSNA badge pulls and other WSNA gear on Friday! Encourage your fellow WSNA members to do so as well!

We’re on Instagram

Join us on Instagram for the latest from your bargaining team … https://www.instagram.com/phsw_nurses?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==.

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Team
WSNA Co-Chair Didi Gray, Family Birth; WSNA Co-Chair Dawn Marick, Resource team; Secretary/Treasurer Duncan Camacho, ICU; Grievance Officer Erin Irwin, CVICU; Member at Large Talitha Wilson, ED; Dillon LeSieur, RRT/Critical Care; Dustin Weddle, ED; Jeryl Anderson, Case Management; Brooke Churchman, Home Hospice; Samantha Golden, IMCU; Joan Ngarachu, PACU; Toutu Rekucki, Cardiology

 Please contact WSNA Nurse Rep Travis Elmore Nelson at telmore@wsna.org or 206-575-7979 ext. 3117 with questions or to find out what you can do to get a fair contract.