
New Representative Update

Hello, WSNA nurses of Ocean Beach Hospital. We at WSNA are still deeply saddened by the loss of Nurse Rep Mara Kieval who was an amazing woman, and fierce advocate for nurses. I consider it an honor to come and work with all of you in a role that I know Mara deeply cared about.

I have reached out to the local unit officers, and I plan on being there in person in the immediate future to be available to meet and hear from all the nurses. More to come soon on when that will be. I am available by phone, virtual meeting, or in-person meetings, depending on the needs.

I want to hear from you. If you have concerns or ongoing or unresolved issues which WSNA can help with, please contact me. I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible and working together.  You can reach me at BPercival@wsna.org or call me at my office number, 206-929-1845, or mobile at 206-471-0876.

In solidarity,

Bret Percival, RN, BSN
WSNA Nurse Representative