March 11, 2025
March 4, 2025
Historic contract comes after 12 bargaining sessions.
August 29, 2022
WSNA labor advisor Gerard Friesz on the wave of unionization
July 27, 2022
ANA seeks forgiveness “for named and unaccounted-for harms,” and issues a plan of action to promote diversity.
July 19, 2022
This decision has significant implications for women’s reproductive health and choice. The ruling leaves it up to each state to determine its own laws regarding abortion.
June 24, 2022
We will be marching with the labor contingent hosted by Pride at Work, which advocates for LGBTQ+ union members, other workers, and allies.
WSNA spoke to member Josh Chatman to learn more about what it’s like to be a nurse on the front lines.
June 6, 2022
ANA stands in solidarity with the individuals, families and communities impacted and calls for meaningful action now to address this tragic, ever-growing epidemic of gun violence.
May 25, 2022
ONA and WSNA stand firm in our resolve that all people deserve access to health care services, when and where they need it, without financial hardship.
May 10, 2022
You make a difference. Every day. You deserve more than just “thank you.” As the leading voice and advocate for nurses in Washington, WSNA is working to show our appreciation throughout the year.
May 1, 2022
Attendees connected with other WSNA leaders around the state, learned about current issues facing unions and nursing practice, and engaged in group workshops.
April 27, 2022
WSNA is pleased to announce the appointment of Katharine Weiss, MPA as WSNA’s Director of Government Affairs.
April 15, 2022
Focusing on blame and punishment solves nothing. It can only discourage reporting and drive errors underground. It not only undermines patient safety; it fosters an environment of fear and lack of respect for health care workers.
April 8, 2022
On Thursday, March 17, 2022, WSNA honored the dedication and achievement of six Washington RNs who have changed the practice, research, educational opportunities and governing policies of nursing in our state.
March 18, 2022
WSNA, SEIU Healthcare 1199NW and UFCW 3000 filed for a Temporary Restraining Order to prevent MultiCare Health System from garnishing wages without employees’ consent.
March 15, 2022
Today the WA Safe + Healthy coalition released a joint statement on the state Senate failing to pass safe staffing standards for healthcare workers.
March 8, 2022
Senior leader accepts new position after nearly 25 years at the Washington State Nurses Association.
February 28, 2022
Listen to David discuss his path to WSNA and current issues in nursing like safe staffing in this hourlong conversation.
February 11, 2022
On March 17, WSNA will add a new class of leaders to the Washington State Nurses Hall of Fame — our highest honor.
February 3, 2022
David Keepnews has a long track record and distinguished career as a nurse, labor proponent, professor, policy specialist and advocate for our practice. He joins WSNA at a critical time for our members, our union and our profession. David is already bringing his experience, skills and passion to the job.
January 17, 2022
We call on employers to clarify their policies, and we call on the state to ensure workers cannot be forced to return while sick, or disciplined for refusing to work while symptomatic with COVID.
January 14, 2022
Martha Alicia Cortés Galvez passed away peacefully at home the morning of Jan. 8, 2022, just in time to see her final sunrise, her favorite time of day. A loving mother, wife and friend, she left behind a legacy of compassion and strength.
January 12, 2022
"I became a nurse in 1994 — I feel very fortunate to have had such a rewarding career as a nurse and union member for the last 27 years. I feel nursing is a calling and vocation and not just a job."
January 11, 2022
Dr. Joyce Valborg Zerwekh passed away on Dec. 20. She taught many students over the years at the University of Washington, Seattle University, Pacific Lutheran University, and helped found Hospice of Seattle.
January 7, 2022
Today a coalition of healthcare workers launched the WA Safe + Healthy campaign calling on Washington legislators to pass safe staffing standards that protect healthcare workers from dangerously high patient loads.
December 13, 2021