Invest in WSNA PAC
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Grow the voice of nurses in Olympia through WSNA PAC
By investing in the WSNA Political Action Committee (WSNA PAC) we can help elect and send people to Olympia who truly support nurses. The stronger WSNA PAC is, the more leverage we have in who represents us in the state legislature.
With more than 100,000 nurses in Washington state, if just 10% of these nurses gave $5 a month to WSNA PAC, we could raise more than $600,000 a year!
Please sign up today for a regular contribution to WSNA PAC and help grow that voice in Olympia.
Payment processing is handled by SparkInfluence / Stripe. Please note that Public Disclosure Commission (PDC) reporting requirements mandate that we must collect your employer (the "Organization" field) and occupation (the "Title" field) during the donation process.
Under Washington state law, only U.S. citizens and permanent residents are eligible to contribute to the WSNA PAC.